Vijaya Vitthala Mandir, Hampi Vitthalapura is situated on the southern bank of river Tungabhadra, at a distance of 2 kilometers northeast of Virupaksha Mandir. It has two approaches, one through the river side path on the west coming from the Virupaksha Bazaar and the other through the path coming from Talarighat Gateway from the east. The principal structure of this urban sector is the temple of Vitthala, a form of Vishnu. The foundation date of this mandir is not known. However, it is known to have been in existence during the time of Devaraya II ( 1422-46 AD ). The Vitthala Mandir, also known as Vijaya Vitthala Mandir is, no doubt, the finest of the Vijayanagara monuments built at Hampi. The temple is unfinished, at the same time has suffered much damage due to human vandalism. Built facing east, the mandir occupies the center of a huge courtyard measuring 165m x 95m. The principal components of the main structure are the sanctum, the vestibule, circum - ambulatory path,...