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Selfie With Waste

Selfie at the most creative location made by huaman. Proud moment right ! Yes, waste is the most creative thing we have produced on the earth. Could you still like this photo ? Could you still comments on it ? Still thinking why I have taken such selfie with Garbage ? But unfortunately this is a reality of the present. We keep travelling and keep producing waste. Don't you believe , now its a need to rethink before every plastic usage? If we don't minimize plastic usage while travelling, then after few years you will be at my place.

As an industry prone to overconsumption, tourism consequently produces a substantial amount of waste and pollution. At some places, we tourists create double waste than local residents. This can put incredible strain on local waste management systems, causing landfills and sewage plants to overflow. Another major issue is the improper disposal of trash, raw sewage, and toxic chemicals by tourists, hotels, cruise ships, and others. In addition to making destinations less attractive, this litter and pollution can have detrimental effects on local people and wildlife.

While tourism contributes to our global waste problem, the industry can also be part of the solution. Tourism has the potential to build awareness around the issues and spur waste infrastructure improvements. If we want to preserve the beauty , authenticity and health of the places we visit, we must take efforts to reduce the amount of waste we generate and practice proper disposal of the same during our excursion.

If you are a true traveller, share this message with your connection and help us to spread awareness with others so that we can save our nature, mountains, soil, wildlife, marinelife and eventually our very own mother earth.

Let's Save Our Earth !
Let's spread Awareness !
Let's Save Our Environment !
Let's minimise Plastic Usage!
Let's Be A Responsible Traveller ! 

Let's do it together and maintain the real beauty of our nature.



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