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Shree Lakshmi-Narasimha Mandir, Krishnapura, Hampi ( Karnataka )

Shree Lakshmi-Narasimha Mandir, Krishnapura, Hampi ( Karnataka )

The famed Lakshmi-Narasimha image is situated towards the southwest of the Krishna Mandir. This colossal monolithic image, with a height of 6.7 meters, is carved in situ and an enclosure is built all around with a gateway towards the east. An inscription of 1528 AD states that Krishnadevaraya made a grant to the Lakshmi-Narasimha Mandir, which he got built. The deity, it is said, was carved out of a single boulder by a Brahmana (Brahmin).

The cult of Lakshmi-Narasimha was very popular among the Srivaishnavites during the Vijayanagara period. In this image, God is represented in yoga asana (a type of squatting posture) under the canopy of the seven hoods of Adishesha. The coils of Adishesha form the seat for the god. The god also has the support of a yoga patta (a band of textile tied around the body, to hold the legs in the required position without straining them). The image, unfortunately, is badly damaged due to arson. The figure of Lakshmi, the consort of the deity, which was sculpted, as sitting on the god's left lap is broken and only the right arm of the goddess, encircling the waist of the god, is extant. The image has a torana (canopy) composed of architectural and faunal forms.

In the recent past, attempts were made by the Archaeological Survey of India to restore the sculpture to its original shape. But this attempt faced severe criticism from the eminent people of Karnataka. The reason was that by restoring the sculpture to its original form, the devilish acts of the past, i.e., devastation, destruction, arson, etc. that took place at Hampi after the battle of Talikota would be concealed from posterity. The Government has since conceded to their demands and the restoration work has been stopped halfway. It is also proposed to build a replica of the original form of the sculpture near the site.

Reference :
Hampi - The Splendour That Was
( Dr. M.S. Krishna Murthy, Dr. R. Gopal )



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