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महादजी शिंदे छत्री मंदिर , पुणे / Mahadji Shinde Chhatri Temple , Pune

Mahadji Shinde Chhatri Temple

Shinde Chhatri ( शिंदे छत्री ), located in Wanwadi, a well known place in Pune, India, is a memorial dedicated to the 18th century military leader Mahadji Shinde who served as the commander-in-chief of the Maratha army under the Peshwas from 1760 to 1780. It is one of the most significant landmarks in the city and is reminiscent of the Maratha rule. It is a hall that marks the spot of Mahadji Shinde's cremation on 12 February 1794. 

In 1794, the complex of the memorial only had a temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva, which was built by Mahadji Shinde himself. He died the same year and his last rites were performed in the premises. 

In 1965, a samadhi (memorial) was constructed outside the sanctum of the Shiva temple, in memory of Mahadji Shinde, exactly where he was cremated. Madhavrao Shinde was responsible for the building of the complex, along with the memorial of Mahadji Shinde.The Scindia of Gwalior are the descendants of Daulat_Rao_Sindhia, adopted son of Mahadji Shinde. It is maintained by Shinde Devasthan Trust, Gwalior.

The fine carvings and idols of saints on the steeple of the Shiva temple are made of yellow stone and the base and the sanctum sanctorum are constructed in black stone. The Chhatri (hall) not only has carvings and painting, but also houses a gallery in it. Coloured window-panes used for the windows are of English style. The hall is beautifully adorned with paintings and photographs of members of Shinde family. 

The major attraction of the Shinde Chhatri of Pune is its exquisite architecture, reflecting the style used in Rajasthan, India. The Anglo-Rajasthani style of construction exhibits a fine blending of two different cultures. The architectural grandeur of the building is appreciable with beautiful carvings and the building is the lively specimen of a structure constructed following the Vaastu Hara rules. The memorial retains its architectural design and beauty till date.

महादजी शिंदे छत्री मंदिर - एक उत्कृष्ट स्मारक 

पुण्याच्या ऐतिहासिक , सामाजिक आणि सांस्कृतिक वारशामध्ये भर घालणाऱ्या ठिकाणांपैकी “ शिंदे छत्री ' हे महत्त्वाचे ठिकाण आहे. वास्तूचे सुंदर आणि रेखीव स्थापत्य हे या ठिकाणाचे वैशिष्ट्य आहे. शहराच्या कोणत्याही भागातून सहज पोहोचता येणारे हे ठिकाण सर्वांचे लक्ष वेधून घेते.

पुणे शहराच्या वानवडी भागामध्ये असणारे “ महादजी शिंदे छत्री ' अर्थात “ शिंद्यांची छत्री ' हे ठिकाण १८ व्या शतकातील मुत्सद्दी महादजी शिंदे यांच्या स्मृतिप्रित्यर्थ बांधण्यात आलेले स्मारक आहे. याला “ महादजी शिंदे यांचे समाधी स्थळ ' असे देखील म्हणले जाते.

राजस्थानी स्थापत्यकलेचे उदाहरण असणाऱ्या वास्तूच्या पायऱ्या, कोरीव कमानी, खांबांची रचना आणि रेखीव नक्षीकाम असणारी वास्तू प्रेक्षकांचे लक्ष वेधून घेते. वास्तूमध्ये असणारे काचेचे झुंबर आणि चित्रे कलांची साक्ष देतात. अँग्लो - राजस्थानी बांधकाम शैलींमुळे दोन वेगवेगळ्या संस्कृतीचे चित्रण या दुमजली वास्तूमध्ये पाहायला मिळते. या वास्तूच्या रंगीत खिडक्या इंग्रजी शैलीच्या आहेत. इमारतीचे स्थापत्य प्रशस्त असल्याने वास्तूला उत्तम वास्तूकला म्हणणे वावगे ठरणार नाही. वास्तूच्या स्थापत्य कलेसह वास्तूमध्ये असणारे महादजी शिंदे यांचे चित्रदेखील कलेचे वैविध्य उलगडण्यास मदत करते.


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